So... My blog's been a bit neglected over christmas. It seems mad that everyone rushes around, and puts so much time, money and effort into such a short amount of time, only for it to be over before you know it. It's all completely worth it though, it's got to be pretty much my favourite time of the year :D As always we went round to my parents on Christmas eve and didn't leave until the evening after boxing day, it was nice to spend some time with them (and not have to cook!).
It was the kittens first christmas, and we warily took them with us - my parents have a much bigger cat as well as a dog so in the back of my mind I was worried something would go wrong.. My parents have a garden whereas we live in a flat so the kittens can't go outside, so we gave them their first outside experience. Jager wasn't so keen (He's a proper scaredy cat!) but Garfs love it, was so cute! I'm pretty sure he could have stayed out there all day, but it started to rain and my dad came back with the dog. We've definately got to buy a house of our own soon, but it's all so expensive and we just can't afford the deposit!
My brothers girlfriend was over for christmas too, she's from Holland so had to fly over. It was nice to get to know her a bit more, but it seems weird that next year my brother might go over there - I couldn't imagain a christmas without him. I've got no photos of christmas this year (except for this one with my dad, Josh and our enormous ham! The photo really doesn't do it justice!), which is extremely unlike me, but my D80 was too big to take, and my compact has finally given up and died.. Oh well, only 361 days till next Christmas...♥
Thursday, 29 December 2011
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
Can you spot the new addition to our tree..?
Yep... Garfield!!
He absolutely loves climbing it which is why it looks a state! We've had to take all the decorations off so they don't break, and all the branches are pointing down where he's climbed it so much! Luckily we used a crappy fake tree instead of a real one this year, as we thought something would be similar. Unfortunately he falls to the bottom too quick for me to get any decent pics, but he looks mayjorly cute doing it! ♥
Sunday, 27 November 2011
Thursday, 24 November 2011
I love this guy, me and Josh are gonna go see him in London in January, and get a hotel for the night - something to look forward to after Christmas has been and gone :) Not sure what it'll be like, as he's pretty chilled out, but I'm looking forward to it.♥
Monday, 21 November 2011
Sunday, 20 November 2011
Thursday, 17 November 2011
Monday, 14 November 2011
This weekend I filmed Devin Townsend in London. I've filmed Bloodstock Open Air festival the last couple of years, but haven't done a gig at an indoor venue. The 1st 2 nights (Fri & Sat) were at the ULU, and then the final night was at the Union Chapel in London. He basically played his 4 albums over 4 nights for a DVD he's releasing. The final album was proper chilled out, and it looked amazing in the union chapel. The building itself is stunning and it all fitted together perfectly. It was really bizarre seeing aload of metal heads all sat in pews, drinking coffee (no alcohol alowed in the church), and eating little pots of ice cream that was served between the support act and Devin.
Between each song you could have heard a pin drop, and I even got looks when I had to change my tape in the camera (not exactly a loud movement!). At the end though there was the biggest and longest applause and he spent well over an hour in the crowd after, taking photos and signing CDs etc. I haven't really heard much of his stuff except for what Josh has played but i've definately been converted after seeing him live. I'm looking forward to seeing the end result, and owning another DVD with my name in the credits.♥
Monday, 7 November 2011
Today I was referred to a dermatologist for my psoriasis - a mayjor day in Hannah history. It's ony taken 10 years(!!), but I walked out of the doctors feeling sooo happy! Without ever having psoriasis you can't ever imagine what it feels like.

When I'm having a bad day I find myself sitting with my hands covering my face so noone can see it, and to think that there could be a treatment to make it better makes me sooo happy :)
Me and Josh went out for a celebratory couple of drinks and chinese - I'm not getting my hopes up that I'll qualify for the UV treatment, but just to be referred is definately worth celebrating! ♥
Saturday, 5 November 2011
Thursday, 3 November 2011
I found out today that I am absolutely the WORST person to have around in panicky situations. I was sat at work with Josh, when he suddenly stood up and said "I really don't feel so good." I thought he was joking - he's my rock, no matter how much I bug him to go to the doctors for his bad cough, or his cyst on his eye etc etc, he always stays strong and insists that there is nothing wrong with him.
Anyway I was round to his desk before I could even register what was happening, and even quicker before that my colleague Shona was on the phone calling an ambulance. Josh was complaining about really bad chest pains and was as pale as a sheet! I was running around like a headless chicken, until Shona sent me outside to wait to the ambulance. 
Once all that had passed he was violently shaking in his chair, I'm pretty sure I've never been so worried! I know he's only 21 but his dad's recently had a heart attack and I thought that was happening to him! The moral of the story is I really love him, and couldn't imagine my life without him. ♥♥♥
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
I've worked out that I drink wayyy too much tea while I'm at work. I work through my lunch break so it gives me an excuse to leave my desk every so often. The only down side to this is that our office is right next to the cafe, so I lazily buy my cups of tea in paper cups rather than walking the extra few feet to the kitchen. It ends up that in a month I spend around £150 A MONTH on cups of tea! (I could buy a lot of clothes and books for that amount!!) I've tried to cut down but I've found I'm hooked on the lovely tea flavoured goodness. Anyway in order to wean myself off, I've allowed myself one cup of tea in the morning, and then green tea and lemon for the rest of the day - which is surprisingly yummy :) It's not really helped on the money front, but at least I feel healthier ;)
Anyway check out these cute little mugs I've found.
Anyway check out these cute little mugs I've found.
Friday, 28 October 2011
Thursday, 27 October 2011
For the first year that I can remember I have no plans for Halloween, however if I did, I would be definately be going as an angry bird! These costumes look awesome.
And these kids just look cute (though the throwing is slightly dangerous!)
And these kids just look cute (though the throwing is slightly dangerous!)
angry birds,
angry birds costumes,
angry birds kids
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
I'm re-reading the Millenium Trilogy, which I'm pretty sure I'll read another trillion times in my lifetime, and it's made me excited for "The girl with the dragon tattoo" film.
I know there's been a Swedish version already made, but I've never managed to get the whole way through - pretty much because I have awful eyes and can never quite see the subtitles! I'm really looking forward to this version, and it's out on the 21st December which'll make a good start to christmas, as long as it's a gooden. I'm hoping that they make the following two books into films and if so they are equally as good as my expectations are for this one :)
Sunday, 23 October 2011
Saturday, 22 October 2011
Friday, 21 October 2011
Thursday, 20 October 2011
cold feet,
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